
Yahoo UK announces search engine for Apple App Store and Android Market

2 February 2012 by
The search giant does not host any app directory itself, but has release a dedicated search engine for both the Apple and Google controlled market places

Yahoo app search

Yahoo UK has now released a search engine dedicated for iPhone and Android OS apps. The UK search engine will currently only search through Android Market and Apple App Store. There is no sign of Windows Phone, Bada, BlackBerry or Symbian search engines. 

You should be able to find apps you know the name of by using free-text search. Another option is to view apps by category. Yahoo has set up its own category list which will list 12 free apps, 12 paid apps and 12 apps with the highest rating. Strangely enough, the first app listed in the News category is Yahoo's own Android / iPhone app. Results returned by the search engine can be sorted by relevance or highest rank. Android Market does not let you sort the result by rank, so the Yahoo search engine has added something unique. 

Visit Yahoo to check it out yourself, and get back here afterwards to leave some comments about your first impression.

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masseur12 years, 4 months ago
perhaps I'm missing the point but why do we need this?
I can easily search for apps either in iTunes or directly on the phone in the App Store app, and I always find what I want.
laffen12 years, 4 months ago
Of course we only need one search engine. The question is which one? I am sure you are glad Larry and Sergey started Google and gave Yahoo something to compete against? You could say the same thing back in 1998: Who needs Google, I can find anything I want by using Yahoo.
And isn't competition one of those things that drive the world forwards. The creative minds in Google and Apple must be doing something better than Yahoo to keep the competition away.
chunkybeats12 years, 4 months ago
i hate yahoo its just so messy and full of bugs! Google is king and will remain king, obviously ifans hate Google but remember it helped your little handsets go somewhere before Apple became d1cks!

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