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Author some one from israel???
T68 gold
Joined: Mar 11, 2002
Posts: 135
From: Israel
Posted: 2002-03-31 13:02
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On 2002-03-31 11:43, nyk_2702 wrote:
I am a palestinian living abroad.

i have nothing whatsoever against palestinians--on the contrary, there's nothing i would like better than to be able to live side by side with you guys in peace. and you can be sure that the vast majority of israelis agree with me. what i DO have something against are the terrorists--those who purposefully go out and seek innocent women, children, and senior citizens to murder, when they're out enjoying a coffee, a pizza, or celebrating a religious holiday. there is simply NO justification for this.


And I would just like to say that I think that Israel is the only terrorist. They get $3 billion for the USA every year. They have an army that is fully backed by the USA, whilst palestinians are poor, and have to use stones to defend themselves. If Israel attacks palestinian peopl, what are the palestinians supposed to do?

israel gets less money every year than does egypt, from the US. and many other arab countries also get money from the US. the palestinians, by the way, also get plenty of money, mainly from the european union, but they're so corrupt that NONE of it actually gets to the people. nevertheless, you can be sure that had the palestinians agreed to the deal offered by barak (or even continued negotiating to arrive at another one based on that), they would have been VERY well rewarded financially by the US as well.


Israel was given by britain after WWII, why could they not give it a small piece of land?

read my response above. israel was not given anything by britain, quite the contrary--britain abstained in the vote in the UN. as for "giving a small piece of land", this is the question you should ask your arab brethren. when jews were expelled from the arab countries and all their money and possessions confiscated, israel accepted them with open arms and integrated them into israeli society. the land here was never "palestinian" land, as i explained above, since no arabs referred to "palestinians" until the 1960's; rather, the "palestinians" are what came about from arabs migrating to the land referred to as palestine by the british exercising their league of nations mandate, after the influx of jews made it financially interesting for the arabs to arrive here.


Israel are trying to do what Hitler did to the Jews in WWII.

sorry, but this is just obscene and does not even deserve a response.
P800 no flip
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Posted: 2002-03-31 13:20
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look - all i ahve to say is that Sharon & Arafat are BOTH dicks. Sharon is the terrorist and Arafat is the suck-ip. as soom as they both get killed or sumfin like that, there will be no more problems!!!
T68 grey
Joined: Dec 26, 2001
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Posted: 2002-03-31 13:37
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Hmg what did you do in hir????
i see you open politic topic about israel
well thets nice.....:)
Joined: Mar 18, 2002
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From: Oslo, Norway
Posted: 2002-03-31 13:42
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You should stop this discussion right now! Peace on earth:)
T68 grey
Joined: Nov 27, 2001
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From: Sweden
Posted: 2002-03-31 14:00
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ejasim> You can't say that there will be no more trouble if they both get killed.
Just because they're killed, doesn't mean that peace will come.
The war isn't just between Arafat and Sharon, it's between the people to!
And one more country: USA!
Do you think everything will be solved by their deaths?
USA's support to Israel isn't higly appretiated by everyone you know!

I can't think of an solution to this, of course..
But it's pretty dumb to say things like "if both arafat and sharon where killed, everything would be peaceful and sweet".

USA should withdraw their support to Israel, that would be one step closer to peace.
But of course, that will not happen, cause Israel is a good place for bases, and of course, it's good to have a whole country in debt to you.

I'd say that peace will never be restored, if USA doesn't get a smart president that doesn't just care about war, and Palestina and Israel needs leaders who can speak to their people, and manage to calm down the people and put away the grief against eachother.


[ This Message was edited by: ElGato on 2002-03-31 14:05 ]
Joined: Feb 19, 2002
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From: Sweden
Posted: 2002-03-31 15:00
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It seems quite strange everyone is blaming the USA for this when just the other day The United States voted in favor of a U.N. Security Council resolution urging Israel to withdraw its troops from Palestinian cities including Ramallah.

I do not agree with SOME of the politics of the USA but....

I have a question from those who blame the USA...... since according to you they support and supply weapons to Isreal.

If I give you a gun, or you buy a gun from me and you go out and kill someone.... does that make ME responsable for that killing?

Well we can only hope for peace from both parties...... I love me T68 and T68i

Joined: Mar 25, 2002
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From: Bradford (UK)
Posted: 2002-03-31 16:00
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Thats the most funny thing i've seen on this thread...

If i gave you a gun knowing full well that you were going to use it to kill someone then i am just as responsible....

Just think about Drug Dealers... cum on...

get real....
blue ice
T68 gold
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Posted: 2002-03-31 16:49
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Look at what israelis are doing to palestenians then consider who is the terrorist...

Joined: Feb 11, 2002
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From: Norway
Posted: 2002-03-31 17:36
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Arafat is th terrorist!
T68 grey
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Posted: 2002-03-31 18:19
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Palestinians want war, israel if it to them!
C902 Black
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From: UK-Belgium-Azerbaijan
Posted: 2002-03-31 18:31
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First: this is by far the most interesting thread in Esato!!! Thanks, y'all!!

@blue ice: C'mon, it's not just Israel, I can place pics here showing what the Palestinians have done. Do you even have a TV? Suicide-bombs, NAIL-bombs, killing innocent women and children....

I have noticed that Israel is always in a defending position, while the Palestinians tend to ATTACK, I know this isn't 100% true, but I do believe it is the majority of the time, I think you all agree...

I have actually been to Israel in '97 and I thought it was wonderful, the Jewish people were so nice and hospitable! Most of them have a very calm, happy, enjoy-the-day kind of life! I made friends there and it was wonderful, while the Palestinians are a bit like the fundimentalists from Afghanistan.... I don't know if this is true for all of them, this is just the impression I got....

I just think: Israel is the only 'Jewish' country in the world, it's only 20,770 sq km. Can't the Jews just have this? Is that too much to ask? Catholics have Italy, Spain, South America....
Moslems have Saudi, Afghanistan, North-Africa....
Budists have Eastern Asia....
Leave SOMETHING for them....

Ok, thanks for listening (or reading )


[ This Message was edited by: arroyootje on 2002-03-31 19:14 ]
K800 Black
Joined: Jan 02, 2002
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From: Oslo, Norway
Posted: 2002-03-31 19:01
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Why can't both the palestinians and the israelis understand that they can't keep up the killings?? It's really fundamental knowledge! You have to kids, one of them kicks the other kid and the other kid kicks back... Then the #1 kid have to kick back... Then the #2 kid have to kick back again... Then the # 1 kid... the #2 kid... the #1 kid.... the #.... Peace on earth! AND GROW UP!!!
T68 gold
Joined: Mar 11, 2002
Posts: 135
From: Israel
Posted: 2002-03-31 19:13
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On 2002-03-31 16:49, blue ice wrote:
Look at what israelis are doing to palestenians then consider who is the terrorist...

oh, please... you want pictures, i'll show you as many as you want (start by taking a look at (LINK REMOVED BY TEAM ESATO) and if that's not enough, just let me know and i'll give you plenty more pictures).

the fact is, israelis are getting blown up by terrorists every day (just today some 15 were killed in a restaurant in haifa, and a few more in two other separate terrorist attacks). who are the targets of these terrorists? women. children. babies. the elderly. and i did say TARGETS. they are specifically targeted for... what? what did the children that got blown to bits today do to deserve being specifically targeted?!?!

yes, when israel goes into the territories (as we now have) to do the job yasser arafat promised--but failed--to do, some innocent civilians sometimes get hurt (just like the thousands of innocent afghani civilians that got killed by american bombing in afghanistan). but that's not the AIM (as it is on the palestinian terrorist side). the aim is to get the TERRORISTS and their weapons and their bombs and (as was discovered today) their israeli currency counterfeiting machines. and it's not always easy to tell the "innocent civilians" from the terrorists, which was made very clear the day before yesterday when a huge quantity of explosives were discovered in a palestinian AMBULANCE. oh yeah, they had a perfectly healthy 8-year old boy playing sick and lying on top of the explosives to hide them. go figure.

[ This Message was edited by: tranquil on 2003-02-14 21:00 ]
T68 gold
Joined: Mar 11, 2002
Posts: 135
From: Israel
Posted: 2002-03-31 19:16
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On 2002-03-31 19:01, johanch wrote:
Why can't both the palestinians and the israelis understand that they can't keep up the killings?? It's really fundamental knowledge! You have to kids, one of them kicks the other kid and the other kid kicks back... Then the #1 kid have to kick back... Then the #2 kid have to kick back again... Then the # 1 kid... the #2 kid... the #1 kid.... the #.... Peace on earth! AND GROW UP!!!

how easy to say when you don't have another kid kicking you in the ass. let's just say you did, what would you do? turn the other [butt]cheek?

it's like 20/20 hindsight. soooooo easy to criticize when it doesn't involve yourself.
K800 Black
Joined: Jan 02, 2002
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From: Oslo, Norway
Posted: 2002-03-31 19:25
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I know. I'm not very involved in this matter, but I still can have a opinion, don't you think? They have to understand that it will be no peace if they continue to kick eachothers ass... Is it really so hard for the palestinians and the israelis to live together? 5 years ago, my class got vistiors from Israel. It was some palestinian and israeli students that came to Norway and told us about their lives. They studied together and live together in the campus. So it's proven that palestinians and israelis CAN live side by side! Why can't you all just lay your weapons down and be friends?

If I were an alien and sat in the space and looked down on what was going on there... I think I would be a little bit confused.... We are all the same! We are humans! It's just that we live in different places on the globe, got different skincolor, talks different languages, different cultures, but we are all still HUMANS! Why are we fighting against ourselfs???? The alien had been really confused...
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