
Google advertising the Google Nexus S Android smartphone on Google homepage

4 August 2011 by
Google today has a small text link on the front page of their search engine page saying "Nexus S, a pure Google experience. Get it FREE today only".

Google Nexus S for free 

The advertisment link leads to the Google Nexus S info page which links further to the Best Buy Nexus S page. The Google phone is "free" with a 2-year activation. Available network operators for this deal is AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile. Without the 2-year contract, the Nexus S is sold from $529 to $699 depending on the operator.

It is the first time we have seen an advertisement on the Google front page. Advertisement usually show up on the result pages. A link to the free Chrome browser was visible for some time, but the Nexus S is a hardware product for sale in stores. Seems like Google wants to increase the Android sales.

The Google Nexus S is a Android 2.3 Gingerbread smartphone manufactured by Samsung. It was launched in December last year and was the first model with the Gingerbread operating system.

Today is August 3rd 2011

Google Nexus S info page

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skblakee12 years, 10 months ago
Also available free in the UK and other countries. Nice!

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