
Google introduces Android Market web site

2 February 2011 by
Google today announced a web version of its app store. The Android Market can now be seen using a web browser and apps can be sent directly to a smartphone

It is strange it would take 2 years before this feature was released, but now it's here and it's looking quite good. The Android Market could previously only be accessed from an Android device, but now it is possible to send free apps and buy paid apps directly from a web browser. The purchased app will be sent directly to your Android device shortly after you push the install button.

The Market keeps track of all Android device which has been signed in with a particular Google account. All apps installed via the Android Market from a device are listed on the My Orders page. It is possible to install and confirm everything via the web interface, but it's not possible to uninstall apps. The Android Market keeps track of which version of Android your device(s) are running, and will only allow apps with the proper requirements to be installed on the phone. So you can not install 2.0 apps on a 1.6 smartphone.

Before installing an app, Android Market will list its permission requirements making it easy to avoid Live Wallpaper apps wanting to looking at your address book.

Android Market web site


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tranced13 years, 4 months ago
Well done for Google. Can't believe it took so many years to them.
Gonna try this even though I don't have an Android device.
Hobbs13 years, 4 months ago
Another option for downloading apps is always welcome.
goldenface13 years, 4 months ago
I bought Robo Defence and it automatically downloaded onto my phone in seconds. Brilliant! This way it is so much easier to find the apps and read the views etc.
You have to have your card registered on your google account first of all then it's plain sailing. I can see my self purchasing a whole lot more.

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