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Google Keep released. A free notepad app for Android
Mar 21
Google has released Google Keep. A free notepad app for Android

Google Keep for Android

Google has announced a small but very useful tool for Android users. Google Keep is an Android app and desktop service which let users take notes and sync these between a mobile and desktop. One of our favourite Android app Evernote has now gotten competition from Google. The new service from Google lacks many of the Evernote feature such as sharing, multiple accounts and more. But the Google Keep service is just fine for taking notes on a PC and sharing these on a smartphone. At the current stage, it is possible to add four types of notes. A Text Note, List Note, Pictures and voice note. Recorded voice notes will automatically be transcribed to text. The Android app will only accept new pictures taken with the camera while the desktop version will only accept uploaded pictures. Notes can be assigned one of eight colour codes.

The Android app will work on devices running version 4.0.3 and up. Those using an older version of Android, or a smartphone running a iOS or Windows Phone could use the browser version of the service at the location




Google Keep desktop interface:

Google Keep for desktop


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